SE5 Forum AGM: Post Covid Camberwell
SE5 Forum AGM: Thank you for joining us online!
SE5 Forum held its first successful online AGM – thanks to the 40 speakers, community and board members that joined us. We are delighted that three new members were elected to the SE5 Forum Board, which is now as follows:
Barbara Pattinson, Marie Staunton, Sophy Tayler, Craig Stansfield, Andy Murray, Steve Shemilt, Marcia Foster Norman, John Frankland, Christine Coleman, Simon J Taylor, Mastoor Khan, Lauren Johnson-Ginn (new), Nigel Brissett (new) and Toby Holland (new). We will be electing the positions of Chair, Vice-Chair/s, Secretary and Treasurer at the next meeting.
Our theme this year was Post Covid: How to build back a thriving Camberwell for business, environment and better ways to live – with a panel of speakers including ‘local hero’ Bim Patellia, Sub-Postmaster, who delivered essential food and medicines to vulnerable people during lockdown, Southwark Council Cabinet Member for Jobs, Culture & Skills Stephanie Cryan and Lambeth Council Cabinet Member for Planning, Investment & New Homes Matthew Bennett, who explained how their councils had helped businesses during lockdown and how they would endeavour to help as Covid continued to raise serious challenges.
Southwark Council Business Rates Lead James Brock said the council was now offering a half-day consultancy with an accountancy firm to support businesses – those interested or needing to discuss rates could contact him on: or 0207 525 5505.
Nick Harvey of the Wine Box Company (WBC) gave a presentation on the Camberwell Identity Group‘s Love Local and Camberwell Business Champions schemes to support local businesses and use the new Camberwell identity design merchandise as promotion. The group, in which SE5 Forum is a key part, will be launching its new local and independent business-oriented website Camberwell.Life soon. The website will have dedicated business pages, and visitors will find listings, bios, upcoming events. Camberwell Champions can become featured businesses on the website. Watch this space for more details soon!
The AGM concluded with a discussion on moves to decrease air pollution, and create safer streets and low traffic neighbourhoods – and how to ensure this benefits all residents, businesses and roads.
To read the full minutes of the AGM meeting, please download them here.

The AGM took place online onĀ Zoom on Wednesday 7 October from 6.30pm to 8.30pm