Learning new cookery skills for free

Learning new cookery skills for free
Be Enriched have an exciting new project to share with you. CooksForce is a cookery project that the people you support could benefit from.
Background information on Be Enriched:
Be Enriched was founded, in 2013, by a group of youth workers, arts professionals and young people to provide relevant projects and develop non-formal education skills and community cohesion through training and overseas volunteering opportunities. Over the past years, we have worked with young and disadvantaged people in London, Wales and Scotland and European youth organisations projects around European citizenship, UK based inter-generational theatre, disabled toddler groups and community food.
Be Enriched works with local community and youth to bring people together around food (community meals, fight against food waste, etc.).
Website: http://www.be-enriched.org.uk/
Email: cooksforce@be-enriched.org