Grow your business, Hire locally

Grow your business, Hire locally, 35 – 50% wage subsidy from Southwark Council

You are invited to the launch of the SEEDS2 Programme!

Grow your business, Hire locally, 35 – 50% wage subsidy from Southwark Council

If your business is an SME based in Southwark, sign up to take advantage of the wage subsidy on offer. We will reimburse you 35 – 50% for employing a young Southwark resident (16 -25) for 6 or 12 months, either as a regular employee or as an apprentice, at the London Living Wage.

The project ensures that we:

Invest in local businesses like yours to help meet your needs
Train employers and offer them up to 12 months of business support
Prioritise talent from the community
Support young people starting their careers

With years of expertise in youth employment and business support, InSpire will enable both young people and businesses to create successful relationships.

To be eligible, you must employ 1 – 49 staff, be based in Southwark and be able to employ a new young person for a minimum of 30 hours a week at the London Living Wage for the length of their contract (6 or 12 months).

For more information on the project and to speak to other businesses that have already benefited from the SEEDS Programme attend the launch event on Tuesday 27th June. Book your tickets on SEEDS2 Launch Event Spaces are limited so don’t miss out!

Kind Regards

Raja Miah

Business Development Coordinator



For any other inquiries or if you are interested but will not be able to attend the launch event please contact me to set up a meeting.


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Unveiling Camberwell

Let’s make ‘Unveiling Camberwell’ happen

We are passionate about this project and here’s what reaching target means for you and everyone else. We will be able to promote sustainability and transformation in Camberwell, through community engagement between businesses, residents and visitors. Organize business surgery and series of events. This will target people of all generations to demonstrate how thriving, culturally diverse, and unified our town centre is and to also attract entrepreneurial activities and visitors.

Here is how you can help:

  • I’d love for you to pledge
  • Tell your friends and family, and anyone or groups that may want to be part of this 
  • Ask them to share my Crowdfunder page by email and social media

For more information and to support the project, please follow this link:

Project by Shekhinah Ofori


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