Organoke – Sat 3 June 2023
Organoke – Sat 3 June 2023
Date(s) - 03/06/2023
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm
St Giles Church
The incredible ORGANOKE returns to its spiritual home of St Giles this June.
ORGANOKE is Karaoke…but not as you know it. It’s a crazy, joyful night of communal singing with a live band and a much underused and overlooked instrument – The Mighty Organ!
Organoke first premiered in the summer of 2016 at the Camberwell Arts Festival and before the end of the first song, the congregation was dancing in the aisles.
Can’t sing? No problem – everyone else will drown you out!
Won’t sing? We guarantee you will be by the end of the night…
Desperate to sing solo? You’ll have a chance to take centre stage in the second half…only if the Tombola is kind to you!
The phrases people use most to describe ORGANOKE are “utterly joyous”, “uplifting”, and “sublime madness” and “as close to a religious experience as I have ever had.”
Come experience it for yourself.
SATURDAY 3 JUNE – DOORS 19:00 – SHOW 20:00
Book tickets here: https://bit.ly/ORGANOKEJUNE23