Health and Wellbeing free ‘taster’ Workshops
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Health and Wellbeing free ‘taster’ Workshops
Date(s) - 19/06/2018
1:00 pm - 4:45 pm
Camberwell Library
Camberwell Arts Festival ALL’S WELL theme presents its Tuesday 19 June programme of FREE Health and Wellbeing workshops:
1 – 1.45pm. Seated exercise with Valerie Ann Thomas
2 – 2.45pm. The benefits of arts activities for those with dementia, with Caroline Clipson
3 – 3.45pm. Essential oils with Hortense Muhammad
4 – 4.45pm. Pets for health with the London Animal Hospital
Booking is advisable on Eventbrite. The full week’s programme with more information and links to the specific Eventbrite booking page, can be found on www.camberwellarts.org.uk home page and scroll down