Camberwell News
Don’t miss SE5 Forum’s upcoming events: Free Tree Drawing Workshops in Brunswick Park Sat 13 May • Camberwell Talks Summer 2023 – Leading Eurovision expert gives us all the gossip from Liverpool on 15 May and Camberwell Arts delves into Camberwell’s music hall heritage with historian Richard Norman on 5 June.
Join us at for an inspirational free tree drawing workshop with tree illustrator David More in Brunswick Park.
There will be two free workshop sessions on Saturday 13th May, starting at 2pm and 3.30pm.
Book your free place here
Drawing materials will be provided, and all levels of ability, whether adults or children, are welcome. Participants under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Local artist David More is a renowned illustrator of tree guides and encyclopedias. Brunswick Park has a number of interesting trees to draw, including a lime said to be the tallest tree in Camberwell, and a horse chestnut with tangled and twisty branches.
The workshops are brought to you by the Trees and Green Spaces group, sponsored by SE5 Forum for Camberwell and The Camberwell Society. and are part of the 2023 Urban Tree Festival.
Camberwell Talks go Eurovision! 15 May 7pm • Free tree drawing workshop in Brunswick Park • Camberwell Business Event • Arts Festival Showtime • New midweek market on the green, our sunflower seed giveaways and more local news…
Get all the Liverpool gossip from top Eurovision expert: We’ve added an extra date to our SE5 Forum Camberwell Talks to celebrate Eurovision 2023 coming to the UK. Leading Eurovision journalist William Lee Adams will be entertaining the audience on Monday 15th May 7pm at The Crypt, St Giles Church.
Tickets are £10/£7 concessions, including a free drink. Tickets also give you a half-price meal deal at local restaurant Caravaggio. For anyone who’d like to attend but is affected by the current cost of living, please email us at admin@se5forum.org.uk.
CAMBERWELL TALK 5 JUNEm 7pm: IT’S SHOWTIME with Camberwell Arts and historian Richard Norman
Dive into the music hall past of Camberwell with historian Richard Norman as part of SE5 Forum’s Camberwell Talks and in collaboration with @CamberwellArts.
The talk ties in with the Camberwell Arts Festival 2023 theme: It’s Showtime (10-18 June).
Richard’s Camberwell Talk will unfold the various forms of entertainment, from Victorian times to the end of the twentieth century, covering Music Hall, Theatre and Cinema and the buildings which were especially constructed to entertain the folk of Camberwell and beyond. Delving further into South London’s heritage, the talk will also include the contribution Camberwell has made to the world of entertainment during the early days of pioneering film production and music hall comedy.
This will be a well-illustrated talk also using samples of songs and music. Richard Norman is a local historian specialising in buildings designed for entertainment and has given talks at the Victorian and Albert Museum, Tate Modern and many local history societies.
Tickets can be booked on Eventbrite (£10/£7 plus drink, plus half-price meal deal at Caravaggio) below. The talk takes place at Goose Green Theatre, 146 Camberwell New Road, SE5 0RR and is an accessible venue.
Camberwell Arts Festival: It’s Showtime!
It’s that time of year again when Camberwell Arts Festival brings art out into the street to celebrate our local creative talent with open studios, micro commissions and a festival fringe.
This year’s festival takes the theme of Showtime – shining a spotlight on Camberwell’s fascinating music hall heritage. The festival organisers would love to hear from any local actors, artists, comedians, performers performing pets and anyone else willing to help create an all-singing, all-dancing festival that captures the unique spirt of Camberwell.
The festival is also looking for volunteers to help get the show on the road. To find out more or how to get involved, go to their website at: camberwellarts.org.uk
Camberwell Business Event: Wed 3 May 6pm
Southwark Council is hosting a free event for all Camberwell businesses at Camberwell Library on Wed 3 May 6-7.30pm.
If you run a local business, come and find out what help is on offer and give feedback on what your business needs. At the event, you will be able to find out:
• What help and support Southwark Council can offer your business
• How to access the council’s Southwark Pioneers Fund
• How to benefit from the Thriving High Streets Fund
• What is planned for Camberwell town centre
• How you can use the council’s free graffiti removal service offer
You will also be able to put your questions to Councillor Martin Seaton, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Business and Town Centres and give your feedback and input into future plans for Camberwell.
Reserve your free attendance on Eventbrite
New mid-week Camberwell Green Market
Building on the success of the Saturday Camberwell Green Market, Southwark Council is launching a mid-week market at Camberwell Green from this Thursday, 20th April.
The new market will run 10am to 3pm every Thursday and Friday as a pilot until Christmas 2023. For more info, go to: msdmarkets.co.uk
SE5 Forum Market Stall: Free Sunflower Seeds
We are giving out free sunflower seeds to the community to brighten up our local community. Come and visit our market stall on Saturdays 10am-3pm on Camberwell Green to get your packet!
We’re also asking local organisations for their leaflets for the display on our stall.
We also have our usual wide range of Camberwell themed merchandise, including our popular range of Camberwell mugs, butterfly t-shirts and more. And you can find out about our latest work and campaigns. Looking forward to seeing you!
• Making Southwark more age-friendly
Southwark Council is holding two community engagement events on how to make the borough more age-friendly. Find out more here:
• The Met Police Ride Along Scheme
The Met Police is publicising its Ride Along Scheme, which offers members of the public the chance to join its officers on patrol and experience daily policing first hand. You can also give feedback to police from your perspective as a member of the community. You must be aged 16 or over and live in London. You’ll need to fill in a consent form and pass a criminal record check. You can join the following units: Emergency Policing Response Team; Territorial Support Group; Violent Crime Task Force; or the Roads Policing Team. To apply, fill in the online application form.
• FixMyStreet App in Southwark:Residents in Southwark can now use the FixMyStreet App to report fly-tipping, graffiti, potholes and more through the online app and web service. The app has been used successfully by other boroughs.
• New free fob for the safe cycle parking hub at Denmark Hill Station is now available from Govia Thameslink. Collect your free fob at the ticket office at the station’s Champion Hill entrance.