Autumn Planting and Soup Making

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Autumn Planting and Soup Making
Date(s) - 26/10/2019
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Mother Goose Nursery Wildlife Garden


Come along to our secret garden in Champion Hill where we’ll be cooking up soup with ingredients from our garden. You will be able to pot up some bulbs or sow salad leaves to take home. A free event for families, adults and accompanied children. Tea/coffee/cake. Donations welcomed. Explore our secret garden complete with pond, willow dome, mud kitchen and chickens. Entrance is at the lower end of Wanley Road SE5 8AT between the new block on the corner of Green Dale and the older flats on Wanley Road. Go down a path by some green bike lockers and across the grass to the metal gates. Twitter: @MotherGGarden Email: