Join Camberwell local Ann Kenrick for a unique talk about planning for the ‘inevitable’ – our or others’ end of life. It sounds morbid but the talk is more life-affirming than you might think. Ann encourages us to reflect upon and talk about our approach to end of life in a positive and constructive way. And to get organised!
Ann is founder of End of Life Matters, which supports people of all ages to consider and put together their end of life plans. Having dealt with the challenges of her own parents’ death, Ann says: “Few people give birth or organise a wedding without meticulous planning but most of us are totally unprepared for this most vital of times at the end of all our lives… and as a result, this can have a drastic impact on grieving family and friends.”
Ann helps people look at care considerations, how to ensure their voices are heard and their wishes followed even if they lose capacity, and to think about their legacy and funeral wishes.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions and gain a thorough understanding of how easy it is to get started with planning to give you peace of mind and leave your friends and family without the chaos that Ann had to deal with when her mother died suddenly.
TICKETS ARE £10 OR £7 CONCESSIONS, INCLUDING A FREE DRINK. Cost of living discount available: email admin@se5forum.org.uk
Grove House Tavern, 26 Camberwell Grove London SE5 8RE grovehousetavern.co.uk
Step-free access.
Ann Kenrick has lived in Camberwell for over 30 years, after an unusual upbringing from Calcutta to school on the Isle of Iona. Ann received a Southwark Civic Award for her work encouraging children to walk and cycle to school as Chair of London Cycling Campaign and was also first female Master of the Charterhouse, an historic seven-acre almshouse in central London.
Look out for our next Camberwell Talks coming up at The Crypt at St Giles Church – more info and booking link coming soon:
MONDAY 4 MARCH: Bolivia: an indigenous story
In this fascinating and heartfelt talk, Miriam Amancay Colque and her daughter Yandire will share their love of their native country Bolivia. They will discuss the culture, history, food and political struggles of the indigenous people, as well as Miriam’s younger years as a student activist including time in a Bolivian concentration camp.
MONDAY 8 APRIL – Textile artist Celia Johnson talks about her practice, which uses fabrics, quilting and embriodery to weave in ideas and issues around Black identity. Instagram: @truthdollquilting